Monday, May 29, 2006

More baby pics for the Grandmas

I just added 70 new pictures of Isaiah to satisfy the grandmothers' hunger for........whatever it is I don't understand ;)

70 new pics

Long time, no post

Yeah, so. I've been busy and haven't had anything exciting to share, and Regina keeps hogging the camera to take pics of Isaiah. Actually there is something exciting to share, James and Lynsey had their baby Emma (Lynsey had her, James watched). HUGE Congrats!!!

Snowboard season ended in what seemed like record time :( I didn't get in as much boarding as I'd planned, but I did get to go to Northstar and I'm extremely impressed. Looking forward to going there next year.

Isaiah is at 18 lbs. now and wearing 12 month old clothes even though he's only 3 months old.

Monday, May 08, 2006

King of the Hill

Isaiah stole the throne! He some how snuck into grandpa's lazyboy ;)