Wednesday, August 31, 2005

WOW I'm speechless

I have to vent about an article that was brought to my attention regarding a gas station attendant in Tennessee who is being sued for selling gas to a drunk driver and then letting driver drive away. The drunk got into an accident and killed someone. Tennessee Supreme court ruled in favor of the family of the deceased. Find article here <~

Many issues to be scared of in this. I guess one thing that I think about is whether I will get sued if I were to let someone drive home if I "knew" they were drunk. As if my keen sense of judgement in that area gives me the responsibility to take action? Apparently it's my Duty. Oh wait, I have a keen sense of judgement in that area? No. Maybe more than a gas station attendant that makes less than $8 an hour though. If I was an attendant I probably wouldn't refuse gas to someone on that basis anyways since the chance of me getting my ass kicked or killed is higher than the chance that they will go get in an accident and kill someone. The bottom line: You are NOT responsible for your actions. If you drive drunk and kill someone, don't worry, they'll sue the people that didn't stop you from driving because it's their fault, not yours. Stupid, just stupid.


Anonymous said...

You said it. Preach it Seth!

Anonymous said...

well, it's high time we get cops to start pumping gas so they can check every gas-buying citizen to make sure they're not drunk! I mean, isn't this solution obvious to everyone? helloooo??? haha

Anonymous said...

I think the judge should have to pump gas and make $8 an hour for a month. Then we could judge him on whether or not he made good calls. Where has our common sense gone to? Good article. Thanks, Seth.