It's a tricky game so good luck. Here's my best score:
"There is no doubt about precisely when folks began racing each other in automobiles. It was the day they built the second automobile." -Richard Petty
Halloween is just as washed up and "pagan" as all the other holidays. Not sure what we're celebrating, but have a happy and safe one anyway.
Three Most Influential People in History
It is very difficult to choose who the three most influential people in history are. There have been so many people through history who have had substantial impact on our world today. There have also been a lot of people whose names are well known but haven’t really affected us today. Many movie stars are famous for entertainment, but haven’t actually done anything to change our world. When I think of a person who has had a great impact on society I often think of people who created lots of controversy during their lives. Some have even done things that we would consider to be evil. However, the three which I have chosen are credited with doing positive things during their lives, and these positive things have carried on into modern times and still affect us today. The three individuals that I have chosen are Jesus Christ, Henry Ford, and Bill Gates.
I choose Jesus Christ first because I believe that he is the most influential individual that has ever walked this planet. He has influenced humans to the core of our being. He didn’t just bring entertainment, or some great invention to help society; he brought a deep spiritual understanding about God to our world. Jesus is said to have lived a perfect life, or a life without sin. He was crucified on a cross at the age of 33. For Christians, his death marked the redemption of sins for all who believe that he is the son of God. His life is known, whether accepted or not, in the entire world. I’m sure that there are remote places that haven’t heard of him, but his name is recognized more than any name in the history of the world. His life is still intensely studied by scholars, shared by many, and argued about by others.
The next most influential person that I choose is Henry Ford. Credited with the invention of mass producing the automobile, Mr. Ford revolutionized the world as we know it today by providing us with simple, affordable transportation. By bringing the automobile to the mass consumer, he created a world that could spread out more and become more independent. He didn’t necessarily have some philosophy that changed people’s hearts like Jesus. Instead he had an idea, or invention, that changed the world.
The last individual that I have chosen is Bill Gates. He was a difficult choice for me because he isn’t the sole inventor of a graphical user interface for computers. Some of the credit must go to others in the industry such as Xerox, Steve Jobs, and others, but Gates was the one who had the passion to push the idea forward quickly. By getting this interface to the market he was able to make computing simple and understandable for the average user. Computers are the future and the easier they are to use, the more people can use them and the further we will progress.
Rank | Occupation | Death rate/100,000 | Total deaths |
1 | Logging workers | 92.4 | 85 |
2 | Aircraft pilots | 92.4 | 109 |
3 | Fishers and fishing workers | 86.4 | 38 |
4 | Structural iron and steel workers | 47.0 | 31 |
5 | Refuse and recyclable material collectors | 43.2 | 35 |
6 | Farmers and ranchers | 37.5 | 307 |
7 | Roofers | 34.9 | 94 |
8 | Electrical power line installers/repairers | 30.0 | 36 |
9 | Driver/sales workers and truck drivers | 27.6 | 905 |
10 | Taxi drivers and chauffeurs | 24.2 | 67 |
I grew up most of my years in